TL;DR: What is my Problem?
You have too many breakpoints set. If you have no breakpoints set, look out for implicitly set breakpoints (e.g. main
or exception handlers). In my scenario, I had multiple class member functions Class::main()
, and the debugger tried to set a breakpoint in each one of them at startup.
The last two days, I had a very interesting problem that I thought is worth sharing. I am developing a project on an STM32 microcontroller. My tool chain uses Eclipse, which uses GDB, which in turn controls OpenOCD, which does all the low-level stuff so that I can flash and debug. That worked very well for a long time. Until yesterday.
What did I do? I added a new class to my project, which at some point would be dynamically allocated. I kept the method bodies all empty, so nothing should happen. But after flashing the code to the target, the debugger crashed with the message:
Can not find free FPB Comparator!
can't add breakpoint: resource not available
This error message was already familiar to me – it usually happens when you have too many breakpoints listed in Eclipse, and when you start the debug session, it will automatically add all these breakpoints. If you have listed more breakpoints than the MCU supports (six), this message appears. But here, my breakpoint list was completely empty.
Strange! I had no idea what was going on here, so my first trial and error approach was to reduce the flash and RAM footprint of my app, but even after implementing some optimizations here and there, the problem remained the same. The fun fact was that if I commented out that class, debugging worked again! But once my class was back, even with empty function bodies, the debugger stopped working!
So I decided to take a closer look. Using the telnet interface of OpenOCD, I was able to halt and continue the MCU, so debugging in general was technically still working. Reading and writing from and to memory was also working.
After reading a lot about the FPB, I understood a bit better how this works: The Flash Patch and Breakpoint (FPB) unit is a set of registers of the ARM MCU, which consists of several cooperators – one for each breakpoint. Each comparator basically stores one program (FP_COMPx). If the currently executed address matches what is written inside this register, the execution will be stopped and you can debug.
So I decided to take a look at the hardware registers itself. Since I couldn’t use Eclipse for debugging anymore, I had to use Telnet. If you have an OpenOCD server running, it will listen on port 4444 for a telnet connection. Via this connection, I was able to read out the memory of the FPB registers, located at address 0xE0002000:
mdw 0xe0002000 20
0xe0002000: 00000261 20000000 48001239 4800164d 480019b1 480021a1 48005d0d 48006851
0xe0002020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0xe0002040: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Starting from the third register (0x48001239
), there is a list of six registers filled with some addresses. That explains the error that we see from OpenOCD, the question now is, who is writing to these registers?
A lot of further research revealed me that it is possible to open OpenOCD in debug mode, by passing parameter “-d3” to it. This even works in Eclipse:

With this additional debug output, I could actually see what secretly happens after flashing. I saw about six of these blocks:
Debug: 17205 11732 gdb_server.c:3153 gdb_input_inner(): received packet: 'm8001238,2'
Debug: 17206 11732 gdb_server.c:1438 gdb_read_memory_packet(): addr: 0x0000000008001238, len: 0x00000002
Debug: 17207 11732 target.c:2210 target_read_buffer(): reading buffer of 2 byte at 0x08001238
Debug: 17208 11732 hla_target.c:777 adapter_read_memory(): adapter_read_memory 0x08001238 2 1
This is actually the part where the breakpoints were set, and I could see the breakpoints were actually explicitly requested by someone! But why? And why on earth would Eclipse set so many breakpoints? I decided to check the addresses in the Linker file.
The locations usually looked somewhat like this:

All of these blocks somehow had a function with the string “main”, and it was the same case with my recently added C++ class, which also had a member function named “main”. That was when I understood, that Eclipse automatically sets a breakpoint at main() after startup! And for some reason, it is setting this breakpoint also to classes that have a member function with the name main. It was just because I added one more class with a main
function, that the number of possible breakpoints was exceeded, and the debugger wouldn’t work anymore.
You could debate if it is good style to have functions named main
in your code. For me, it was OK because they are not only class members, but also somewhere in their own namespace, and should therefore be restricted. Turns out this was not always the case.
So if you encounter this problem, make sure to reduce the number of functions named main
in your system!